The Catknip team is honored to bring you the one-stop-shop for all your cat and cat person needs. From collars to toys for your feline friend, and to sweaters and jewelry for you; there is an item for everyone to enjoy. 

Our team is a collaboration of cat-lovers from multiple backgrounds ranging in sales, programming, and product design; who have dedicated their knowledge to push Catknip.

We would love to introduce you to our website ambassadors; Dex, and Lex. They are both 5 years of age – don’t mind me; just holding back tears – and are an integral part of Catknip, as they distract us in the office with their meowing, or jump up on the desks to eat the plants.

At Catknip we would love to hear any feedback, and what we could do to better suit the needs of you, our customers, and what products you wish to see in the future.

With that; we wish you happy shopping, and thank you for choosing for all your cat and cat person needs.

– The Catknip Team