Frequently Asked Questions

How long does shipping take?

Shipping varies by product as we ship from multiple warehouses. On average, you should expect your order in 7-14 days.

Where's my order?

We ship all orders within 1-2 business days. As we try to ship the most efficient way possible, we can’t always provide a tracking number. Once we ship it, it can take anywhere from 7-14 days to arrive. You can check your order status any time by visiting the Order Status page.

My order is missing an item

We ship orders from multiple warehouses so it’s not always possible to send items in the same shipment. Due to this, some items may arrive earlier or later than others. Rest assured, you will receive your entire order–just not all at once.

I want a refund

Please review our refund/returns policy. If you would still like to proceed, please contact us and we’d be more than happy to assist you.

Are you affected by Covid-19?

Unfortunately, yes. Covid-19 has bottle-necked our shipping process and slowed things down. While we’re still accepting orders, it is possible that we may not have an item in stock or that the shipping will be slightly delayed. Don’t worry though, if we’re not able to ship an item to you, we will refund you as soon as possible.

What is your guarantee?

We guarantee that our items are free of defects and damage. If you receive an item that is not as described, damaged, or has defects, please contact us to start the returns process.

What payment methods do you accept?

We currently accept all major Credit and Debit cards. We securely process all payment methods using Stripe. We do not store any card details on our server.